Ave Maria
Gratia Plena
Maria,gratia plena
Maria,gratia plena
Ave,ave Dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in Mulieribus
Et Benedictus
Et Benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae,Jesus
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Maria,hear my prayer
Today I'm asking for forgiveness
For all my people here on earth
I know they feel inside their hearts
What is wrong or right
True love is all it needs to heal them
But hate is all they really know
So innocent the starving children
How I wish they'd get a chance to grow
Ave Maria
1.Sag mir wo die Blumen sind
2.Die Farbe meiner Rose
3.Vergiss die Freude nicht
5.Oh danny boy
6.Ave Maria
7.Jedes Körnchen Sand
8.To die of love
9.Aspri mera
11.Plaisir d'amour
12.Das Fest
14.Liebe lebt
15.Irgendwer sagt immer auf Wiedersehen
16.Milisse mou
18.Kokkino garifalo
19.Am Morgen des Lebens
20.Der Wind in den Haaren