Feeling shitty in my bed, didn't take my fu*kin' meds
没了药物的加持 我躺在床上心神不宁
Hyperpop up in my ears, everything just disappears
Hyperpop音乐充斥我的耳朵 一切痛苦才能暂时消失
Don't wanna be someone else, just don't wanna hate myself
我不愿成为别人 只是不想厌恶自己
I just don't wanna hate myself, instead I wanna feel good
我不想厌恶自己 我只是想保持开心
I'm on a sugar crash, I ain't got no fu*kin' cash
我的血糖骤降 可我一分钱都没有
Maybe I should take a bath, cut my fu*kin' brain in half
或许我应该洗个澡 冷静一下头脑
I'm not lonely, just a bit tired of this fu*king shit
我并不孤单 只是有点厌倦这些破事
Nothing that I write can make me feel good
无论写些什么 我都无法变得开心
Victim of the great machine, in love with everything I see
作为伟大机器(指互联网)的受害者 我沉溺于眼前的一切
Neon lights surrounding me, I indulge in luxury
霓虹灯包围着我 我迷上了纸醉金迷的生活
Everything I do is wrong, 'cept for when I hit the bong
我所做的一切都是错误 惟有吞云吐雾
Hit the bong, hit the b-b-b-b-b, feel good
忘乎所以 我才能享受到愉悦
Feeling shitty in my bed, didn't take my fu*kin' meds
没了药物的加持 我躺在床上心神不宁
Hyperpop up in my ears, everything just disappears
Hyperpop音乐充斥我的耳朵 一切痛苦才能暂时消失
Don't wanna be someone else, just don't wanna hate myself
我不愿成为别人 只是不想厌恶自己
I just don't wanna hate myself, instead I wanna feel good
我不想厌恶自己 我只是想保持开心
1.SugarCrash! (Slooby Remix)