Roman Roman you're so cute
Roman Roman bitter root
All the girls they jump for joy
Roman Roman naughty boy
It's a short life for Polanski
Takes the first plane off to France (tonight)
I'll make more memories (tonight)
I'll take control
It's a hard time for romanceski
And living within the norm (tonight)
Her eyes are crystal clear (tonight)
Her lips are warm tonight
Roman Roman you're so cute
Roman Roman substitute
Please be honest please be true
Roman Roman I love you
Hold the party and they're coming home
Daddy got his bride in hand (tonight)
My future lies behind me (tonight)
For I know this'll shine
It's a short life for Polanski
So hard it lost it's stroke(tonight)
All the blinds are drawn (tonight)
The whole world thinks of you tonight
Oh it was cool in May
And she was only 13
Oh it's a crying shame
Roman you looked too good
Hats off to Roman Polanski
They never gave him a chanceski
When he took down his pantski
He had nothing on manski
Roman Roman you're so cute
Roman Roman bitter root
Please be honest please be true
Roman Roman I love you
2.The Nightwatchman
3.Friends Of My World
4.The Voice
5.Roman Roman
6.Brave Exhibitions
7.After A Fashion
8.I Mistake Myself
9.Somebody's Watching
10.Dive Position