Songs Title:hamburg night
In the Hamburg night I'm walking at a time
when just the strange ones are awake.
I take a cab to the street where the action is
the one they warned me about.
An importent DJ from Berlin speaks and orders drinks.
She drinks and talks and until she walks away
no surprise I had to pay.
Someone calls me cutie, someone pulls my arm.
It's a transvestite two meters tall
He pulls so hard I fall he can take what he wants
but someone screaming makes him change his mind.
It's a Spanish speaking prostitute
thats shouts at me you're cute
So are you dear prostitute, we're quite the same
but the difference is that I give myself away for free today.
I haven't had enough so I enter this rough
punkrock place again.
I paint pizzerie walls, I decorate, she says.
I feel our connection so does her boyfriend
the supermale bartender.
The bartender tells me ugly words in German
still I understand.
I decide this to be the right time, I tie my shoes and leave.
The stars might be all clear elsewhere
but I need their guidance now.
At the step on the door that I thin is right
I spend the rest on this Hamburg night.