Blame It On September

I can still see you sranding there.
summer tangled in your hair.
first week of July first day of my life.
七月的第一週 我生命中的第一天
my voice shook when I said hello.
and from that word we couldn't take it slow.
I still can't believe the way you looked at me.
我还是不能相信 你这样看著我
now the nights turn colder your head's on my shoulder.
现在夜已渐冷 你倚在我的肩上
we do our best to pretend.
waves get louder I'm lost without her.
浪越来越大 我失去了她
as summer starts to end.
let's blame it on September 'cause it hurts to remember.
让我们责怪九月吧 因为记忆是件痛苦的事情
we can fight to hold on but August is gone.
我们必须挣扎著坚持 但八月已过
and even if the sun falls I hope we don't lose it all.
即使夕阳西下 我希望我们不会完全忘记
'cause no summer last forever.
let's blame it on September.
让我们责怪九月吧 因为记忆是件痛苦的事情
we drew hearts there in the sand.
在沙滩上 我们画上两颗心
laughed when waves erased our plans.
no we never knew they told the truth.
我们不知道 所谓的真相
I can still hear our laughing friends.
as we'd sneak off again and again.
no we never cared too young to be scared.
不 我们从不担心 因为还年轻 所以无所畏惧
the nights turn colder your head's on my shoulder.
现在夜已渐冷 你倚在我的肩上
as summer starts to end.
let's blame it on September 'cause it hurts to remember.
让我们责怪九月吧 因为记忆是件痛苦的事情
we can fight to hold on but August is gone.
我们必须挣扎著坚持 但八月已过
and even if the sun falls I hope we don't lose it all.
即使夕阳西下 我希望我们不会完全忘记
'cause no summer last forever.
on the beach in the heat you know I needed that sweet ocean air.
我陶醉在沙滩上的阳光 甜美的海风令我心旷神怡
we're gonna go where I know we can be alone.
我将出发 寻找只属於我们的世界
I'll wait for you wait for you there.
在那裡等你 直到永远
blame it on September.
让我们责怪九月吧 因為记忆是件痛苦的事情
we can try to hold on but August is gone.
我们必须挣扎著坚持 但八月已过
let's blame it on September 'cause it hurts to remember.
让我们责怪九月吧 因為记忆是件痛苦的事情
we can fight to hold on but August is gone.
我们必须挣扎著坚持 但八月已过
when the sun falls I hope we don't lose it all.
即使夕阳西下 我希望我们不会完全忘记
'cause no summer last forever.
let's blame it on September.
让我们责怪九月吧 因为记忆是件痛苦的事情
blame it on September.
让我们责怪九月吧 因为记忆是件痛苦的事情
I can still see you sranding there.summer tangled in your hair.
我仍然可以看见你站在那 夏日的味道从你的头发散发出来
1.Mr. Wonderful
2.Do It 2 Me
4.Teenage Hearts
5.James (Never Change)
6.All the Way
7.Be There
9.When I Get Paid
10.Not Your Birthday
11.Blame It On September
12.Bend or Break