Shower room
Hi Hi dance in the shower room
Ay Ay fans in the shower room
Hi Hi drink in the shower room
wei wei party in the shower room
Shark Jet:
coast money like paper
everybody know I like really player
smoke one by one that light on you fire
watching with me learn how to be a winner
girl girl felling my chill
with my body on my street finish the deal
move move dance all the year
party on the night with me drink over beer
taking all the bad idea
I'm ready
felling to my large
give you my link
I'm like the kindness
I just 20
dancing with shark jet
join the party
jumping in the dark take off for you everything
driving on my car searching like the Edison
Hung out all the bar sinking to my deep cave
live like the hot I don't be afraid death
Hi Hi dance in the shower room
Ay Ay fans in the shower room
Hi Hi drink in the shower room
wei wei party in the shower room
Force T:
oh baby dance with me 我有大把时间可以浪费
let me touch u body 亲吻你的脸颊你喷上了最诱人的香水
oh baby dance with me 不要再去理会那些playboy
他们都没有我年轻 都没有我一半rich i got money and mtf fame
和我的home boy 每天都在揉起
tik tik tik tik tok 有了新的计划
你说你是个明星im sorry 真的没听过
Hi Hi dance in the shower room
Ay Ay fans in the shower room
Hi Hi drink in the shower room
wei wei party in the shower room