Are You F*cking Kidding Me

They say every one should have their heart broken, at least once
他们说 一个人一生中 至少要经历一次心碎
That that is how you grow emotionally
只有这样 你才能在情感上迅速成熟
Well, I have been misused by many many many men
好吧 我已经被太多 太多男人 耽误过
But nothing can compare to how you treated me
At times it really felt as though the pain was here to stay
曾经 我真的感觉这种痛苦会永远停驻
And though it's many years ago, I feel it to this day
尽管已经过去多年 我却感觉恍如昨日
And now you wanna be my friend on Facebook
Are you ******' kidding me?
All the memories are coming back to me now
现在 所有不堪的回忆一起涌上心头
All the ways you stole the light from my eyes
你耍尽花招 夺走我眼神里的熠熠光辉
I traveled so far just to get away from you!
我远走他乡 万里迢迢 只为远离你!
Till this mornings friend request surprise
At times it really felt as though I'd never smile again.
曾经 我真的以为我的脸上再也不会出现笑容
You narcissistic ass hole, oh you nasty nasty man.
你这个恬不知耻的禽兽 垃圾堆里的臭男人
And now you wanna be my friend on Facebook
Are you ******* kidding?
I don't wanna know what kind of cocktail you are
Or which member of The Beatles or which 1950's movie star
哪怕你是披头士成员 或是五十年代炙手可热的电影明星
I don't give a toss if you're a ninja or a pirate,
不管你是忍者还是海盗 我也不会竖起大拇指夸你
I'd suspect you'd be a pirate but I don't wanna verify it
我猜你也就是个下三滥 但我根本不屑一顾
And I don't give a **** what your stripper name is
Or if your Kitty had a litter
Look, just follow me on twitter
看吧 你就在推特上关注我吧
I don't care about your family tree
And I certainly don't want you poking me, again.
So now you wanna be my friend on Facebook
所以 你现在还想当我脸书上的好友
Oh you ******* ******* ****
噢 你特么是在逗我玩吗?
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点击 忽略~
1.The Last Day On Earth
2.Politics In Space
3.Caught In the Crowd
5.Are You F*cking Kidding Me