William Topaz Mcgonagall - Beautiful Balmoral

1.Victorian Poetry - An Introduction
2.Alice Meynell - In February
3.Alice Meynell - Maternity
4.William Morris - A Garden by the Sea
5.Alice Meynell - In Autumn
6.William Topaz Mcgonagall - Beautiful Balmoral
7.Coventry Patmore - The Toys
8.Henry Newbolt - Vitai Lampada
9.William Morris - The Doomed Ship
10.William Morris - The Message of the March Wind
11.Dante Gabriel Rossetti - On the Road to Waterloo
12.Christina Rossetti - Sonnets Are Full of Love
13.Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Kiss
14.Christina Rossetti - The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
15.Christina Rossetti - Remember
16.Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Sea Limits
17.Christina Rossetti - A Birthday
18.Christina Rossetti - Who Has Seen the Wind