Ode on the Present Time, 27th January 1795 - Amelia Opie

1.Ode to the West Wind - Percy Bysshe Shelley
2.Ode to Melancholy - Thomas Hood
3.Ode to Beauty - Henry James Pye
4.Music - An Ode - Algernon Charles Swinburne
5.The Ode - An Introduction
6.Ode on a Grecian Urn - John Keats
7.Ode to the Moon - Thomas Hood
8.France an Ode - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
9.Ode to Pity - Jane Austen
10.Ode to the Memory of Burns - Thomas Campbell
11.To the Chief Musician Upon Nabla, A Timdalic Ode - James Clerk Maxwell
12.Ode on the Spring - Thomas Gray
13.Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats
14.March - An Ode by Algernon Charles Swinburne
15.Ode on the Present Time, 27th January 1795 - Amelia Opie
16.Ode Composed on a May Morning - William Wordsworth
17.Ode to the Poppy - Charlotte Smith
18.Ode for July 4th 1917 - Hp Lovecraft
19.Ode for the 4th of July - James Monroe Whitfield
20.An Ode, Written October 1819 - Shelley
21.Ode to Autumn - John Keats
22.Ode Written on the First of December - Robert Southey
23.An Ode of the Birth of Our Saviour - Robert Herrick
24.Ode to Sleep - Thomas Warton
25.Ode to the Great Unknown - Thomas Hood