why she in my head this time time time around
loving so hard drive myself push me to the ground爱着太累了我已经精疲力尽了
i went to sleep i know she couldn't make a sound我睡着了我也知道她不会吵醒我
always text u when i was so drunk
why she in my head this time time time around
loving so hard drive myself push me to the ground爱着太累了我已经精疲力尽了
i went to sleep i know she couldn't make a sound我睡着了我也知道她不会吵醒我
always text u when i was so drunk
i just need lilttle bit time to make up
sleeping in the sun u konw i dont wanna wake up睡在阳光下你知道我不想起来
the cup fell on the ground so we broke up
fighting in the day and night but we cant stop
problem in my head 我脑子有病
drum hit on my head鼓在敲我脑壳
she give me the fxcking test right now现在测试我
balenciaga on her dress巴黎世家裙子
choose the money or the rest选钱还是其他的
wanna make it past the ****ing night now还是熬过今晚吧
take u to my room带你去我房间
shawty feeling with my mood妹妹感受一下我
walking on the moon月球漫步
i think i get in to my zone我觉得我起飞了
we try to go back我们试着和好
we try to call back我们试着回电话
jus remember my face记得我就好了
i have noting to say 没什么好说的
but its not too same但是都已经不一样了
but its not too same但是都变质了
why she in my head this time time time around
loving so hard drive myself push me to the ground爱着太累了我已经精疲力尽了
i went to sleep i know she couldn't make a sound我睡着了我也知道她不会吵醒我
always text u when i was so drunk
why she in my head this time time time around
loving so hard drive myself push me to the ground爱着太累了我已经精疲力尽了
i went to sleep i know she couldn't make a sound我睡着了我也知道她不会吵醒我
always text u when i was so drunk
1.why she