Monsters (feat. blackbear)

Why do all the monsters come out at night
Why do we sleep when we want to hide
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Another day 'nother headache in this hangover hotel
又一天 又一次头痛 又一夜宿醉后的酒店
Gettin' used to the rhythm yeah I know this beat too well
Tunnel visions got me feeling you're the only one I see
偏狭管见占了上风 我只看得见你
But I know what's missing where I'm swimmin'
In my lonely luxury
I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night
真奇怪 为何怪兽总是昼伏夜出
Why do we sleep when we want to hide
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Why am I a sucker for all your lies
Strung out like laundry on every line
Why do I come back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
I'm addicted to the way you hurt the way you contradict me
I swear everything look worse at night I think I'm overthinking
夜晚则更加糟糕 大概是我想得太多
I don't care who I might hurt along the way I'm f**kin' sinking
Into every word I don't care if you're lyin' when I'm drinking
So tell me pretty lies look me in my face
那么看着我 说些漂亮话吧
Tell me that you love me even if it's fake
说你爱我 哪怕只是逢场作戏
You can lead me on and leave these questions in my sheets
哄骗我吧 把迷惑留在床笫之间
I'm under it I made my bed and I'm still wonderin'
让我心醉神迷 收拾床铺后仍回味思量不止
I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night
真奇怪 为何怪兽总是昼伏夜出
Why do we sleep when we want to hide
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Why am I a sucker for all your lies
Strung out like laundry on every line
Why do I come back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Thinkin' about you you're in my head
Even without you I still feel dead
有你我变得神经质 没你又无异于行尸走肉
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Dead thinking about you you're in my head
Even without you I still feel dead
有你我变得神经质 没你又无异于行尸走肉
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night
Why do we sleep when we want to hide
Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
Why am I a sucker for all your lies
Strung out like laundry on every line
Why do I come back to you like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
为何我义无反顾奔向你 不顾你会毁了我的生活
F**k up my life
Like I don't mind if you f**k up my life
1.Monsters (feat. blackbear)
2.Getaway Green
3.Melancholy Kaleidoscope
6.Summer Daze (Seasons, Pt. 2)
7.Favorite Place (feat. The Band CAMINO)
8.Glitter & Crimson
9.Some Kind Of Disaster
10.January Gloom (Seasons, Pt. 1)
11.Wake Up, Sunshine
12.Trouble Is
13.Pretty Venom (Interlude)
14.Basement Noise
15.Sleeping In