Pan Satyros 

I, pan satyros rise
I through ye spiral light follow'd
I ye path ov a'yin, where ye all-begetting eye rests across ye cascade ov sensations and ye consciousness ov body volcano ov emotions am
I ye ring ov saturn - two thousand years am
I and more by ye four powers ov sphinx ye book ov albion open'd - and four cherubic beasts each in one quarter wander'd across ye world ye holiest gathering ov souls ov ye fool empty sight - ye devil - wild laugh and my mourning, as snow white paradox ov meanings sacrifice is done dogs ov darkness to ashes reduc'd in ye sirius shine that my way illuminates in company ov heaven ye eternal one in madness ov night in madness ov day
1.Christians To The Lions 
2.Pan Satyros 
3.Antichristian Phenomenon 
4.From The Pagan Vastlands
5.The Act Of Rebellion 
6.Inflamed With Rage 
7.In The Garden Of Dispersion
8.The Universe Illumination 
9.Inauguration Of Scorpio Dome
10.Natural Born Philosopher 
11.Vinvm Sabbati
12.Hello Space Boy
15.23 (The Youth Manifesto)