You've Got Another Thing Comin'

One life I'm gonna live it up
时无重至 我将纵情狂欢
I'm takin' flight said I'll never get enough.
凤翥龙蟠 我将得步进步
Stand tall I'm young and kinda proud
傲然耸立 我将年轻力壮引以为豪
I'm on top as long as the music's loud.
只要声音回荡耳边 我将称王称霸
If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
如果你认为我游手好闲 任凭光阴逝去
You're thinkin' like a fool 'cause it's a case of do or die.
那么我觉着你不识好歹 这将事关生死
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
If you think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another think comin'.
毫无疑问 谈话到此为止
That's right here's where the talkin' ends
聆听暗夜之声 谁人将有所行动
Well listen this night there'll be some action spent.
倍道而行 我将尽锐出战
Drive hard I'm callin' all the shots
I got an ace card comin' down on the rocks.
如果你认为我无所事事 任你斩取首级
If you think I'll sit around while you chip away my brain
那么听好了 我并非年少无知 你最好三思而行
Listen I ain't foolin' and you'd better think again.
Out there is a fortune waitin' to be had
If you think I'll let it go you're mad
You've got another think comin'.
生于尘世之间 分担彼此忧愁
为了崭新的明天 必毙而后已 至死方休
In this world we're livin' in we have our share of sorrow
热情如火 毫无闲暇时光
Answer now is don't give in aim for a new tomorrow.
Oh so hot no time to take a rest yeah
Act tough ain't room for second best.
Real strong got me some security
Hey I'm a big smash I'm goin' for infinity yeah.
1.Metal Meltdown
3.Turbo Lover
4.Night Crawler
5.Blood Red Skies
6.Hell Bent For Leather
8.Breaking The Law
9.Dissident Aggressor
10.Devil's Child
11.The Hellion
12.Electric Eye
13.Victim Of Changes
14.Eat Me Alive
15.Delivering The Goods
17.Night Comes Down
18.The Rage
19.Living After Midnight
20.A Touch Of Evil
21.Heading Out To The Highway
22.Wild Nights, Hot & Crazy Days
23.Desert Plains
25.Solar Angels
26.You've Got Another Thing Comin'
27.Screaming For Vengeance
28.Freewheel Burning
29.Metal Gods
30.Before The Dawn
31.Ram It Down
32.Beyond The Realms Of Death