Kero Kero Bonito-Take a break(忙里偷闲)(EDE异地异 remix)

编曲:Kero Kero Bonito
歌词:EDE /Kero Kero Bonito
I know it seems kinda tough(虽然看上去很难)
But really it's easy enough(但其实很容易呢)
For us to slow down the pace(只有我们放慢脚步)
So we could all go take a break(才可以好好休息啦)
In fact it's not much better than nothing at all(事实上 悠悠闲闲地无所事事才最好呢)
And that's especially true(特别是当你)
When there is something to do(手上还有无数要完成的事时)
目の 前を
Look out the window过好现在
Watching the world go by goodbye
我爱偷懒所以 dancing in the wind
I got a smile on my face(脸上挂着微笑)
Cause now I'm taking a break
何もしないこの 時間今っていうこの 瞬間(这无所事事的一瞬间啊才叫做“现在”啊)
ベースに 触れいきかけて(现在就踩刹车吧)
Let's slow down(咱们慢点)
I know it seems kinda tough(虽然看上去很难)
But really it's easy enough(但其实很容易呢)
For us to slow down the pace(只有我们放慢脚步)
So we could all go take a break(才可以好好休息啦)
In fact it's not much better than nothing at all(事实上 悠悠闲闲地无所事事才最好呢)
And that's especially true(特别是当你)
When there is something to do(手上还有无数要完成的事时)
Just move very slowly to the beat(只要慢慢 跟着这节奏)
a yo a a yo o
Now get down and put up your feet(跃下舞池好好放松)
a yo a a yo o
If you like to lounge relax or flop(如果你喜欢葛优瘫或者其他的什么)
a yo a a yo o
Doesn't really matter when you're doing squat(做深蹲时 这些都无所谓啦)
a yo a yo
Life is a race that's what they say(他们说人生就是比赛 )
So time out and look around(停一停 四处看看)
I see it now(我看到了我想要的)
Take a break(忙里偷闲)
Hey you've reached Gus
("嘿这里是Kero Kero Bonito的Gus 和Jamie)
We're recording right now(我们现在正在录音)
So leave your message after the beep(请在'哔'声后留言”)
Yo Gus and Jamie it's EDE(哟 Gus和Jamie 我是ede)
Just to let you know that(就想通知一下你们)
I don't wanna do anything today(我今天什么也不想做)
So I'll see you later bye(那么待会再见啦 拜!)
I know it seems kinda tough(虽然看上去很难)
But really it's easy enough(但其实很容易呢)
For us to slow down the pace(只有我们放慢脚步)
So we could all go take a break(才可以好好休息啦)
In fact it's not much better than nothing at all(事实上 悠悠闲闲地无所事事才最好呢)
And that's especially true(特别是当你)
When there is something to do(手上还有无数要完成的事时)
Just move very slowly to the beat(只要慢慢 跟着这节奏)
a yo a a yo o
Now get down and put up your feet(跃下舞池好好放松)
a yo a a yo o
If you like to lounge relax or flop(如果你喜欢葛优瘫或者其他的什么)
a yo a a yo o
Doesn't really matter when you're doing squat(做深蹲时 这些都无所谓啦)
a yo a yo
1.Kero Kero Bonito-Take a break(忙里偷闲)(EDE异地异 remix)