Tension Awaiting Imminent Collapse

I am the face of the despondent neighbor I am the face of the disparate masses I bear the weight of my dormant anger I am the bomb that must explode I am the grasp of a malignant system I am the craft of profit addiction I am all attached within us I am the mask of what we have done This banal existence has wound its way into tragic despair This agony of living imprisonment has found a way in tragic despair I am the bomb that must explode
2.The Point Of No Return
3.Not ****ing Fodder
4.Never Knowing Peace
5.Confessions Of A Suicide Advocate
8.The Intolerable Weight
9.You Are An Experiment
10.Products Of A Cold War
11.With Empty Hands Extended
13.Chemical Imbalance
14.Tension Awaiting Imminent Collapse