There's a road I'd like to tell you about lives in my home town
在我的家乡 有一条宽敞的大道
Lake shore drive the road is called and it'll take you up or down
这条路贯穿南北 我们叫他湖滨大道
From rags on up to riches fifteen minutes you can fly
无论你衣衫褴褛还是腰缠万贯 都可以在这条大路上飞驰
Pretty blue lights along the way help you right on by
And the blue lights shining with a heavenly grace help you right on by
那灯光明亮又优美 助你风驰电掣
And there ain't no road just like it
Anywhere I found
Running south on lake shore drive heading into town
湖滨大道一路向南 能通往最中心的小镇
Just slippin' on by on lsd Friday night trouble bound
在周五的夜晚尽情飞驰 能甩下一切的烦恼
And it starts up north from Hollywood water on the driving side
沿着好莱坞北上 有湖水萦绕着道路 蜿蜒奔袭
Concrete mountains rearing up throwing shadows just about five
群山叠嶂 就连湖里映衬的斑驳倒影也有五米之高
Sometimes you can smell the green if your mind is feeling fine
运气好的话 你能闻见路旁的青草花香 充盈你的身心
There ain't no finer place to be than running lake shore drive
And there's no peace of mind or place you see
Than riding on lake shore drive
And there ain't no road just like it
Anywhere I found
Running south on lake shore drive heading into town
湖滨大道一路向南 能通往最中心的小镇
Just slicking on by on lsd Friday night trouble bound
在周五的夜晚尽情飞驰 能甩下一切的烦恼
And it's Friday night and you're looking clean
在那一晚身着盛装 亮丽出席
Too early to start the rounds
A ten minute ride from the gold coast back make sure you're pleasure bound
但路过湖滨大道的十分钟路程 却足够让你欢呼雀跃
And it's four o'clock in the morning and all of the people have gone away
凌晨四点钟 望着四散的人群和奔走的鸟兽
Just you and your mind and lake shore drive tomorrow is another day
就只剩下凌乱的思绪 用来开启新的一天
And the sunshine's fine in the morning time tomorrow is another day
还有黎明时刻的昏黄阳光 帮你开启新的一天
And there ain't no road just like it
Anywhere I found
Running south on lake shore drive heading into town
湖滨大道一路向南 能通往最中心的小镇
Just snaking on by on lsd Friday night trouble bound
在周五的夜晚尽情飞驰 能甩下一切的烦恼
1.Lake Shore Drive
2.For Eddie
3.Snow Queen
4.Uppers And Downers
5.Long Time Gone