Iron Maiden
The Seventh Son Of The Seventh Son
Seven deadly sins七宗可遭天罚的大罪〔指骄、贪、欲、怒、馋、妒、懒〕
Seven ways to win七种方法赢得胜利
Seven holy paths to hell七条神圣之路通向地狱
And your trip begins你的旅程就此开始
Seven downward slopes七条向下的坡道
Seven bloodied hopes七个血腥的心愿
Seven are your burning fires七是你燃烧的火焰
Seven your desires....七是你的渴望……
Moonchild 月亮孩子
Artist(Band):Iron Maiden
I am he the bornless one我是生于虚无的那一个
The fallen angel watching you注视着你的堕落天使
Babylon, the scarlet whore巴比伦(这里应代指伦敦,现代巴比伦,奢华淫靡的大都市),这淫荡的**
I'll infiltrate your gratitude你的礼物我要定了
Don't you dare to save your son休想妄图救你的孩子
Kill him now and save the young ones一死方可救众生
Be the mother of a birth strangled babe做死婴之母亲
Be the devils own, Lucifer's my name做魔鬼之奴仆,路西法,那是我的名
Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫
Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印
I count the heads of those unborn我点数尚在娘胎的婴儿
The accursed ones I'll find them all所有已被诅咒的,我将找到他们
And if you die by your own hand如果你用自己的手了结自己
As a suicide you shall be damned你将因**而被诅咒
And if you try to save your soul如果你企图拯救自己的灵魂
I will torment you - you shall not grow old我将折磨你-你不会长大
With every second and passing breath每一秒钟和每一次呼吸
You'll be so alone your soul will bleed to death孤独将伴随你直至你的灵魂悲痛至死
Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫
Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印
Moonchild - You'll be mine soon child月亮孩子-很快你将做我的孩子
Moonchild - take my hand tonight月亮孩子-今晚牵我的手
The twins they are exhausted, seven is this night双生子的精力已经枯竭,这是七之夜
Gemini is rising as the red lips kiss to bite双子星伴随红唇的亲吻与啃咬升起
Seven angels seven demons battle for his soul七天使七恶魔为他的灵魂而战
When Gabriel lies sleeping, this child was born to die当加百利(替上帝把好消息告诉世人的天使)倒下睡去(这里意指天使战败),这孩子注定要死
(Kick ass guitar)(**的吉他秀!)
One more dies and one more lives多一人死去又多一人得生
One baby cries one mother grieves一个婴儿哭泣一位母亲悲伤
For all the sins you will commit为了你将要犯的所有罪孽
You'll beg forgiveness and none I'll give你会祈求宽恕而我不会施与
A web of fear shall be your coat用痛苦的网做你的大衣
To clothe you in the night深夜里将你包裹
A lucky escape for you young man送你一个幸运的逃脱
For I'll see you damned in endless night因我将看你被诅咒在无尽的黑夜
Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫
Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印
Moonchild - You'll be mine soon child月亮孩子-很快你将做我的孩子
Moonchild - take my hand tonight月亮孩子-今晚牵我的手
1.Down by the Sally Garden
2.You Should Have Seen Me There
3.A Rose for Epona
4.I Don't Speak Human
7.Storm the Sorrow
9.Disappear Here
11.Persian Punk
12.Into the Red
13.My Hope Took the Road
14.En Sordine
15.Falscher Heiland
16.Geteert und Gefedert
17.Spootis Kerry
18.Der Wolf und Der B鋜
19.Gold Allein
20.The More
21.Dom Kommer Tillbaka
23.Schon Sind Die Feuer...
24.Tor Im Eis
26.Tanzwut (Oder in Letztes Mal)
27.Reiter Des Lichts
28.Incredible Galahad
30.Braves of Bannockburn