Johnson: Cymbeline / Act II, Scene I - Hark, Hark the Lark

1.Anonymous: Hollis berrie
2.Anonymous: Daphne
3.Anonymous: My Robin is to the Greenwood Gone
4.Anonymous: Tickle my Toe
5.Anonymous: Kemp's Jig
6.Morley: It Was A Lover And His Lasse
7.Wilson: Take O Take Those Lips Away
8.Anonymous: How Should I Your True Love Know?
9.Johnson: Get You Hence, For I Must Go
10.Anonymous: Robin
11.Jones: Farewell Dear Love
12.Farnaby: Bonny Sweet Robin
13.Anonymous: The Willow Song (The Poor Soul Sat Sighing)
14.Anonymous: Hold Ingel Hold
15.Morley: La Volta (Arr. Byrd) (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book)
16.Byrd: O Mistris Myne - Variations
17.Anonymous: Walsingham (Arr. Holborne)
18.Dowland: Tarletones riserrectione
19.Morley: The First Book of Consort Lessons - La Volta
20.Johnson: Cymbeline / Act II, Scene I - Hark, Hark the Lark
21.Morley: O Mistress Mine
22.Johnson: Where the Bee Sucks
23.Morley: Go From My Window
24.Morley: Can She Excuse
25.Johnson: Full Fathom Five
26.Morley: The Frog Galliard