White Lightning

They've been after me but I could care less while I'm sipping moonshine
Yeah. here's the part where I tell it like it is. time isn't wasted when
You're wasted. popping bottles like its our last night. whose with me?
Can you keep up with me? I don't think so . yeah ill go blind before I
Look you in the eyes ****ing traitor. ga so pretend that for a second
You'll be fine. but I'm not sober hahahah you will pay the price. you
Never sacrifice much. take my advice . liar. they watch my life between
The cracks. . they never even mind. I'm high anyways. so eat your heart
Out. well take the back roads to get home. ( they watch my life between
The cracks) they never even mind. I'm high anyways so eat your ****ing
Heart out. I stay wasted all the time. sipping white lightning past
Your eyes. can you keep up with me? can you k-k-k-k-k-k-keep up with
Me? you will never learn my ****ing ways. I'm never gonna come back
Here. so they can deploy a hundred person army search party. sober
Anonymous viewers watch in horror but I'm gonna be not giving a **** just
Like I said earlier. I'm gonna be sipping on white lightning
2.***, Drugs, & Violence
3.Nothing Left To Say
4.Another Round
5.White Lightning
7.Light Me Up
8.Nasty Mouth
10.Holler At Ya Boy