1.I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan
2.Walkin' My Baby Back Home
3.She's a Latin From Manhattan
4.Walter O'Keefe speaks
5.Doing the Derby
6.NBC Chimes and WEAF station ID
7.Got a Date With an Angel
8.Joe Sanders and His Nighthawks introduction
9.Hummin' to Myself
10.Manhattan Patrol: 'The Mannington Case' - Part 1
11.Walter O'Keefe speaks\Lucky Strike commercial
12.Jack Denny and His Orchestra introduction
13.Hello! Gorgeous
14.Opening theme and announcement
15.Walter O'Keefe speaks\Lucky Strike commercial\NBC Chimes
16.Joe Sanders and His Nighthawks introduction
17.I Beg Your Pardon, Madamoiselle
18.(Back Home Again In) Indiana
19.Jack Denny and His Orchestra introduction
21.If You Were Only Mine
22.Manhattan Patrol: 'The Mannington Case' - Part 2
23.Joe Sanders and His Nighthawks introduction
24.Am I Wasting My Time?
25.Original Dixieland One-Step
26.Walter O'Keefe speaks\Lucky Strike commercial
27.Jack Denny and His Orchestra introduction
28.With Summer Coming On\It's About Time
29.Walter O'Keefe speaks
30.Closing theme and NBC Chimes
33.And She'll Do It For a Long, Long Time
34.My Heart Stood Still
35.Weary Feet
36.Happy Days and Lonely Nights
37.Sophomore Prom
38.Nobody's Sweetheart
39.Chinnin' and Chattin' With May
40.A Cottage For Sale
41.hey Satisfy
42.I Don't Know Why (I Just Do)
43.Ev'ryone Says I Love You
44.He's a Son of the South
45.Smoke Rings
46.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
47.The Groove Song (That's What I Like About the South)
48.Doing the Derby
49.Chinatown, My Chinatown
50.Lovely to Look At
51.That's a Plenty
52.Get Out and Get Under the Moon