Since the first star split the blank 自从第一道星光刺破了虚空
Split the silence, too 也刺破了静默
Since the first dawn of this Earth 自从这世界上的第一次日出
Founded clothed in blue 覆盖了天空的蓝
Since the first bird song was sung 自从鸟儿发出第一声鸣唱
As through the air afloat 穿过海上的风
It's been you, it's always been you 我想的就是你,一直是你
It's always been you 一直是你
Since the first thrust of the sea 自从海面有了第一阵波浪
Life stemmed upon the shore 生命从海岸上发源
Since the first breath filled these lungs 自从人类的第一次呼吸
Left them wanting more 让他们渴求更多
Since the first your lips met mine 自从第一次你的嘴唇吻了我的
Soft as morning dew 它就像朝露般软滑
It's been you, it's always been you 我想的就是你,一直是你
It's always been you 一直是你
Let me out of the darkness 将我从黑暗中解放吧
Fed my heart on ancient light/love 予吾之心以远古之光
Kept me close, kept me honest 使我坦诚,让我与你亲密
I love you 我爱你
Oh, how I love you 啊,如此爱你
Oh, how I love you 啊,如此念你
Oh how I love you 啊,如此离不开你
Since the first star split the black 自从第一颗星光刺破了黑暗
The very light itself was moved 那道光本身也被撼动
Since the first word could hear 自从人类说出第一个词
One syllable and true 一字且真
Since the first your eyes found mine 自从我们眼神的第一次相遇
It was all at once knew 我就都清楚了
It's been you, it's always been you 原来我想的是你,一直是你
It's always been you 呼吸是你
It's always been you 微风是你
It's always been you 言语是你
Songwriters: Ray Charles Lamontagne
1.Such A Simple Thing
2.Paper Man
3.To the Sea
4.Part of the Light
5.Let's Make It Last
6.Goodbye Blue Sky
7.It's Always Been You
8.As Black As Blood Is Blue
9.No Answer Arrives