threatening predominant thunder growls sending felonious packs of hounds dust covered the peace from bad to the worse the silly red breed was about to burst a place where the angels got prostitudes and gods are precursors of breaking rules casting a gloom over those who believe that beasts could be changed into human beings in dodge city that beasts could be changed into human beings in dodge city denaturalized in a sea full of blood no security to find in this crimson mud dishonouered town too tough to die like a leaf that is caught in the endless tide a place where the angels got prostitudes and gods are precursors of breaking rules casting a gloom over those who believe that beasts could be changed into human beings in dodge city that beasts could be changed into human beings in dodge city
1.(Ghost) Riders in the Sky
2.Dodge City
3.Rattlesnake Shake
4.Gomorrha of the Plains