I Will Kiss Thy Mouth, Jokanaan

2.The Selfish Giant
3.Wild West
4.I Do Need an Audience
5.De Profundis
6.Angel at My Side
7.Mr. Wilde, You Must Go
8.The Wounds of Love
9.Gates Thrown Open
10.Nothing Should Reveal the Body But the Body
11.Almost as Beautiful as His Mother
12.He Loves
13.Love Goes Round
14.I Will Kiss Thy Mouth, Jokanaan
15.Constant Constance
16.Cast into Outer Darkness
17.Don't Ever Change Your Love
18.What Is the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name
19.Who Has Dared to Wound Thee?
20.So Wildly Worshipped, and So Madly Kissed
21.An Age of Silver