i woke up with your beautiful name and body curling up next to me. your room soaked in a clear, late-morning light, dull music still ticking quietly. the same birds singing that had started when we drifted asleep. i touch your cool hair and velvety back. do you even understand why i call you angel, nani? driving me back in the warm air and i can feel our time is almost through. "so why don't you move here?" and you know i'm just dumb enough to. "when will i see you again? i hope soon..." but i know i don't really need to, because once is enough to bond me to you, but you know i'd love to see you, nani. i attach too easily and it just leaves me empty.
1.Forget It, I Give Up, Goodbye, I Love You
2.The Last Time I Left
3.I Will Never Let Go
4.Every Female Werewolf Ever, Listed Alphabetically by Crime
5.So Much
7.Opening the Ten-End
8.The *******
9.The Raining Welt/Copper Eyes
10.I Should Throw Myself Under a Train
11.The Great Barrier
12.Not Breathing