编曲 贺西格
女高音 乌日娜
男高音 巴音布拉格
蒙古人几乎所有的情感与文化传承皆滥觞于辽阔而纯洁的大草原。大草原上并非只是一望无际的平川,它也有丰富的地貌,有湖泊,河流和山脉。蒙古人在如墨绿色玉石般的大草原上逐水草而生,牧五畜,育老幼,繁衍生息。所以,每一个蒙古人心中都有一片永远唱不尽的大草原。蒙古族台湾女诗人席慕蓉说他的父亲曾经告诉她,对他来说“风景”就应该是望出去不会有丝毫阻拦的辽阔视野。 离开家乡之后,即使是欧洲的山川, 对他仍旧是窘迫狭窄一如困居斗室。
All emotional and cultural heritage of Mongolians are derived from the vast and pure grassland. The grassland is not only a piece of plain land. It has rich landscape with lakes, rivers and mountains. Mongolians pasture the animals in the ink-jade like grassland and live there generation by generation. Therefore, there is an endless grassland in the heart of every Mongolian. The Mongolian poet Xi Murong in Taiwan said her father used to tell her that a view for him should be a boundless vision without any barriers. Since he left hometown, even the mountains and rivers in Europe, it is still as narrow as a small chamber for him.