A Big Big Girl -Linval Thompson
Written by :Linval Thompson/Edward Lee
A big big girl
Wo yeah
A big big girl
Like you
Making your parents stopping you
I'm loving not today
Lay dray that I know not to the day under more
Take a little know nothing that is under go
And to see them lover ever stop her
I'm loving not today
A big big girl like you
Making your favorite styling you
What to do
But I know you are know who
You know I to do
Yes you know yes you know
But to drench all of nice says may
Yes you know yes you know
Not to drench out of sweet this vane
And use own wide and learn
Not to drench you love
Not to drench you want
Not to drench her or desire
Not to drench her so desire
No that can't stop her again
No that can't stop her again
Not to drench you want
Not to drench to say she love
Not to drench
Not to drench
Big big big girl
Making your parents stopping you
I'm loving not not DJ
Making your favorite styling you
What to do
Not to drench you love
Not to drench you want
Not to drench
Big big big girl
I'm the parent will stop loving
Not to drench
1.A Big Big Girl
2.12 Tribes of Israel