突然的碰面 在一次阴天 昏暗难掩饰你的光鲜
抬头的瞬间 目光又交接 外套你随手放置在左边
从来不相信一见倾心 看遍百花也难以动心
纵警告自己须得小心 还是忍不住上前打听
Take it easy
I've been lost in this summer night
Oh baby,don't you realize?
(你难道还没发现吗 宝贝
All I need is you in this enchanted night
I guess you might have fallen in love with me sometime.Oh babe.
(我猜 你也早已在某刻爱上我了吧
坐副驾看你单手drive 随便穿T-shirt就很可爱
烈日下奔跑也不怕晒 再拿支ice-cream不tell lies
给你开三个夜晚的话疗 相信我技术纯熟不会尬聊
距离慢慢的贴近是架桥 知道你擦肩而过后有向我瞧
Oh sweety
Breeze blowing on this summer night
The palm leaves sway gently over your eyes
I wonder if you have the same crush on me when you looking into my eyes
想要看你的日志 听你的故事 再顺顺你的刺
也会偷瞄你几次 暗自的细致 打探我的位置
查完星座又计算周运 看过塔罗相信宿命
千方百计的证明心病 即使忐忑也佯装淡定
I've been lost in this summertime,
Oh baby,don't you realize?
(你难道还没发现吗 宝贝
All I need is you in this enchanted night
I guess you might have fallen in love with me sometime.Oh baby.
(我猜 你也早已在某刻爱上我了吧
Breeze blowing on this summer night
The palm leaves sway gently over your eyes
I wonder if you have the same crush on me when you looking into my eyes
全糖的心情 可乐与青柠 转瞬而逝像夏日的蜻蜓
想与你并行 听你的叮咛 偷瞄你一眼我心脏奏停
你是心动的代表 故事的主角
直冲心灵 我心神不宁
你冷酷无情 我茶饭无心
I already miss this summertime
oh baby even if I don't know why
all i want is you can by my side
I hope you will fall in love with me sometime
Breeze blowing on this summer night
The palm leaves sway gently over your eyes
I wonder if you have the same crush on me when you looking into my eyes
I've been lost in this summer night,
Oh baby,don't you realize?
(你难道还没发现吗 宝贝
All I need is you in this enchanted night
I guess you might have fallen in love with me sometime.
(我猜 你也早已在某刻爱上我了吧