Doctor, doctor, need you bad, hold me babe
医生 医生 急需要你 抱紧我 宝贝
Doctor, doctor, where ya at? Give me something
医生 医生 你在何处 我已饥渴难耐
I need your love, I need your love, I need your loving
我要你怜惜 要你心疼 要你宠爱
You got that kind of medicine that keeps me going
My body needs a hero, come and save me
我的身体开关需要英雄打开 来吧 让我苏醒过来
Something tells me you know how to save me
直觉告诉我 你知道如何加载
I've been feeling feral, oh I need you
我已狂野难耐 哦 我要你在
Come and rescue me
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
让我躁起来 过来 让我欲火澎湃
I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on
触控我 拯救我 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
我飘飘欲仙 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on
让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
让我躁起来 过来 让我欲火澎湃
I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on
触控我 拯救我 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
我飘飘欲仙 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Boy you make it, make it right
让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃
Let's take a chair and sit behind
宝贝你做到了 这么做就正确无碍
If I scream if I cry
我们找把椅子 坐到后排
It's only cause I feel alive
让我的喘息响彻云外 让我的眼泪泛滥如海
My body needs a hero, come and save me
只有如此 我才能感觉我鲜活地存在
Something tells you know how to save me
我的身体开关需要英雄打开 来吧 让我苏醒过来
I've been feeling veral, oh I need you
直觉告诉我 你知道如何加载
Come and rescue me
我已狂野难耐 哦 我要你在
Make me come alive, come on and turn em on
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on
让我躁起来 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
触控我 拯救我 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on
我飘飘欲仙 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃
I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on
让我躁起来 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
触控我 拯救我 过来 让我欲火澎湃
You've got my life in the palm of your hand
我飘飘欲仙 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Come save me now, I know you can
让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃 让我欲火澎湃
Don't let me die young
I just want you to father my young
此刻就来拯救我 我知道你不会失败
I just want you to be my doctor
别让我太快死去 只剩尸骸
We get a little drunk and chiropractor
I know you can save me and make me feel alive
Make me come alive, come on and turn me on
让我们略带微醺 互相抚摸垂爱
Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on
我知道你可以拯救我 让我感觉鲜活地存在
I'm too young to die, come on and turn me on
让我躁起来 过来 让我欲火澎湃
Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
触控我 拯救我 过来 让我欲火澎湃