Road and Road ,I walk it(不管哪一条路我都会去走)
let me drive .die on the highway(让我驾驭一切,死在向往的路上)
palm frond falling down ,I get it (棕叶掉落的瞬间我接住了它)
Let me try if I want I can take it(人生从不会失去尝试的勇气)
I never give up even if I just 18 boy(我不曾放弃即使他们说我年少轻狂)
Everything full magically(万事与万物皆有灵性与归属)
I just think me how to do it(而我只想知道怎么样去探寻)
Don't do that ,just like that (他们说 不要这样做 就像这样做!)
I don't wanna astict my life(我的人生是不被束缚的自由鸟)
Tell them ,it's real me no why (最真实的自己是不问为什么的)
you wanna get real life(总想感受真实的生活)
But you even can't really talk(而你却连真话也不敢说)
This way of you and me(这种人没准就是你我)
Through living but heart death (经历一切,心却丧失)
how can i do?(我该如何去做)
how can i do?(我能如何去做)
how can i do?(我可以如何去做)
Why not?(我们为什么不去做做看呢?
how can i do?(我该如何去做)
how can i do?(我能如何去做)
how can i do?(我可以如何去做)
Why not?(我们为什么不去做做看呢?
if you don"t like ,when they are bad friends(如果不喜欢,我宁愿做自闭患者)
You must say that defend you island (你必须守护你灵魂的小岛)
what you say? I know you afraid(你说了什么?我知道你在害怕)
why you stay ?where is far away(你为什么在这?你说的遥远的地方在哪?
made a plan about be a big man do some great thing(制定计划行动吧伙计!像一个大人物一样做有意义的事)
I like a shark ,hard find the freedom in the ocean(我像海啸的狂鲨,在海里努力的寻找属于我的自由)
already I learned(我早就学会)
how to defeat their lie(怎么击穿那些捕猎者的谎言)
1.We get it
2.Happy birthday
3.We are taxi gang
7.Break heart
8.Why don't you trust me
9.See You
10.Fall in love with his money
11.Dark Girl
14.Give up old life
17.Rick king
18.Take it easy