Year Christmas Music Mix Ekstasen 2021.Part e

The annual album "year Christmas music mix 2021 ekstasen DJ _ neohy" is composed of five parts: a, b, c, d and e. it mixes the annual pop music with unique style, and we also add the style of four new members.
《2021年圣诞音乐混合 Ekstasen DJ_NEOHHY》年度大碟,它由A、B、C、D、E五部分组成,用独特的风格将年度流行曲进行混合,我们还增加融入了四位新成员的风格。
1.Year Christmas Music Mix Ekstasen 2021.Part e
2.Year Christmas Music Mix Ekstasen 2021.Part c
3.Year Christmas Music Mix Ekstasen 2021.Part a