Balulalow (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 4b)

Traditional Scottish, arranged by Loreena McKennitt
I come to hevin which to tell
The best nowells that e'er befell
To you thir tythings trew I bring
And I will of them say and sing.
This day to you is born ane child
Of Marie meik and Virgin mild
That bliss it bairn bening and kind
Sall you rejoyce baith hart and mind.
Lat us rejoyis and be blyth
And with the Hyrdis go full swyth
And see what God of his grace hes done
Throu Christ to bring us to his throne
My saull and life stand up and see
Wha lyis in ane cribbe of tree.
What Babe is that, sa gude and fair
It is Christ, God's son and Air.
O my deir hard, yung Jesus sweit
Prepair thy creddil in my spreit!
And I sall rock thee in my hart
And never mair fra thee depart.
Bot I sall praise thee evermoir
With sangis sweit unto thy gloir
The kneis of my hard sall I bow
And sing that rycht Balulalow.
1.Procession (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 1)
2.In Freezing Winter Night (A Ceremony Of Carols Op
3.Wolcum Yole (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 2)
4.There Is No Rose (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 3)
5.Balulalow (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 4b)
6.Spring Carol (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 9)
7.As Dew In Aprille (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 5
8.That Yonge Child (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 4a
9.I Cannot Grow (Hymn To St Cecilia Op 27)
10.St Godric's Hymn (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
11.Andante Pastorale (Interlude - Harp) (A Ceremony o
12.Recession (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 11)
13.In A Garden Shady (Hymn To St Cecilia Op 27)
14.O Cry Created As The Bow Of Sin (Hymn To St Cecili
15.Imon Waxe Wood (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
16.O Ear Whose Creatures Cannot Wish To Fall
17.Adam Lay Ybounden (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 1
18.Yific Of Luve Can (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
19.Carol (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
20.Lenton Is Come (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
21.The Long Night (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
22.A Death (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
23.This Little Babe (A Ceremony Of Carols Op 28 No 6)
24.For The Mouse Is A Creature Of Personal Valour (Re
25.Rejoice In God O Ye Tongues (Rejoice In The Lamb o
26.Let Nimrod The Mighty Hunter (Rejoice In The Lamb
27.Ye That Pasen By (Sacred And Profane Op 91)
28.For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffrey (Rejoice In Th
29.For H Is A Spirit (Rejoice In The Lamb Op 30, Move
30.For I Am Under The Same Accusation (Rejoice In The
31.For At That Time Malignity Ceases (Rejoice In The
32.For The Flowers Are Great Blessings (Rejoice In Th