Come and play in a world where death is fun
Violence, *** and murder are at your finger-tips
The latest game, there's people choppin off heads
Gangs and drugs and murdering the feds
Robot nation, our creation, teacher's on the screen
Showing little children things that never should be seen
People watching, no one's talking, rotting out the brain
Hypnotize, mesmorize, just enough to drive you/us insane
Plasma zombie
Can't wait to get out of school and play
I don't give a damn if
I'm behind
Hour upon hour, as
I slay the ******* demons
Fantasy, reality combine
Cry out, critical condition
Scream, shout
Rise up, don't need this horror-vision
Scream, out
No more going out to play
Friends are gone, been put away
I cannot sleep, can no longer feel
I have no emotion, don't know what is real
Television's turning out to be the enemy 24 hour negativity
I don't have time for you, just turn the box on
Breaking news, live, the fall of society
1.Too Far Gone
2.Plasma Zombies
4.Like Father, Like Gun
5.Maximum Satan
7.Invite It
9.Something Witchy