Last night
I saw the fear and the fire burn in your eyes
The way you were looking at me like a deer in headlights
你木讷的望着我 不知所措
Didn't they tell you to not bring a knife to a gunfight
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会放弃 亦不会屈服
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会倒下 亦不会颓靡
I don't need a crown to know I'm king
I don't need a crown to know I'm king
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会放弃 亦不会屈服
I don't need your love I don't need nothing
我不需要你的爱 我什么都不需要
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本就不在乎
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本不顾一屑
Cloud 9
热血澎湃 欣喜若狂
I caught a vibe and a fever you know money can't buy
气氛狂热 我兴奋异常 你知道 有钱难买老娘高兴
Going all in no bullshit cause I'm here for a good time
拼尽全力 不要废话 因为 我来这就是为了找乐子
Didn't they tell you the view ain't as good from the sidelines
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会放弃 亦不会屈服
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会倒下 亦不会颓靡
I don't need a crown to know I'm king
I don't need a crown to know I'm king
I ain't givin' up I ain't givin' in
我不会放弃 亦不会屈服
I don't need your love I don't need nothing
我不需要你的爱 我什么都不需要
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本不屑一顾
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自有自知之明
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本就不在乎
I don't know about you but I'm feeling fine
我对你一无所知 但我感觉还不错
Cause all I need in this life are a few good ride or dies
岁月易逝 因此我只要激情燃烧 尽情享受
I don't know about you but I'm feeling fine
我对你一无所知 但我感觉还不错
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘自有自知之明
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本不屑一顾
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘自有自知之明
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你们的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 让人根本就不在乎
I don't know about you but I'm feeling fine
我对你一无所知 但我感觉还不错
Cause all I need in this life are a few good ride or dies
岁月易逝 因此我只要激情燃烧 纸醉金迷
I don't know about you but I'm feeling fine
我对你一无所知 但我感觉还不错
Go do y'all I'ma do me
管好你的屁事吧 老娘会自己看着办
Don't give a fuck if you ain't on my team
如果你和我不是一伙 老娘根本不屑一顾
2.Be There
3.Love Outta Me
4.Calm Down