Feasting on Mankind

Feasting through my wasteland, greeting all who come! Not
knowing eternity, not till I'm done! Soon this life will
end, when the dead are dead, coats of fleash and bloody
stumps! Lust and pain nothing to me! I see your life,
come on to thee! come into my room, a pleasurable treat,
cock already out, doom! Hear the wenches scream at night,
who will be the first to knife? Taking them on by one!
Cooking the vagina till it's done! Crucify me for I'm
your God, drive the spikes straight through! Release your
soul, and it will be mine, feasting on minkind!
1.Feasting on Mankind
2.Stench of Virginity
3.Process of Disembowelment
4.***** Lover
5.Orfice Reconstruction
6.Immortal Impact
7.Randomly Raped Rectum
8.My Cock, It Bleeds
9.Brains for Lubrication
10.Fetal Scabs
11.Tampered Flesh (Demo)
12.Rectal Wench (Demo)
13.Fetal Scabs (Demo)
14.Orifice Reconstruction
15.Rectal Wench
16.Devour Humanity
17.Graveyard Delicacy
18.Lacerations of an Unclean Twat