Above the stars my Saviour dwells:Verse Anthem: Above the stars

1.Galliard:Galliard: Thomas Simpson
2.Pavan in F Major
3.Fantasia No. 14:Fantasia XIV
4.Almain in F Major
5.In Nomine
6.Fantasia No. 1:Fantasia I
8.Pavan and galliard, "Lord Strafford":Paven and Galliard: Earl Strafford
9.Fantasia No. 12:Fantasia XII
10.Fancies, "For two to play":A Fancy: For Two to Play
11.Hexachord Fantasia:Hexachord Fantasia: Ut re mi
12.In Nomine II
14.Pavan in A Minor
16.Above the stars my Saviour dwells:Verse Anthem: Above the stars
17.O Lord, let me know mine end:Verse Anthem: O Lord, let me know mine end
18.Thou art my king:Verse Anthem: Thou art my King, O God