Sing a song for the daughters of Magdalene
唱首歌 送给生于抹大拉城的女孩们
All tied up in their white ribbon
她们都被丝绸带束缚着 洁白如玉
November came and before I got your letter
十一月了 在我收到你的信之前
I will love you better, I will love you true
我对你的爱 日甚一日 日复一日
Everyday I would wait by the gates for you
记得每一天 我会在门旁等着你
With time, how your heart withdrew
时光流逝 为何你的心却逐渐逃匿
You said I'd never understand the pain or share the shame
你说 你的痛苦我无法理解 你的耻辱我无力承担
But you know that I want to
可你知道 我愿意的
But you give me hope and now you take it away
但你曾经近在咫尺 却又一走了之
You took my love and now you celebrate
你把我的爱带走 沉醉于至洁的圣礼
When the morning comes, no I don't believe
太阳照常升起 不我怎么可能相信
That my God, oh my God how could you take her from me?
主 主啊 你怎么能将她从我身边带走
So I told, and the sisters of mercy came
我讲述着 然后仁慈修女来到这里
By your school just yesterday
就在昨天 在你的学校
I never meant for to cause you any pain
I wanna make it better, make it go away
我只想让你好些而已 让你开心些而已
So sing a song for the daughters of Magdalene
那就唱首歌吧 送给生于抹大拉城的女孩们
All smothered beneath the white linen
她们都被亚麻布窒息着 纯洁无暇
If Mary knew how she was being used
如果玛丽亚知道 她的后世之名被用于何处
So misconstrued how you were being used
那些颠倒黑白 你的后世之名被用于何处
But you give me hope and now you take it away
但你曾经近在咫尺 却又一走了之
You took my love and now you celebrate
你把我的爱带走 沉醉于至洁的圣礼
When the morning comes, no, I don't believe
太阳照常升起 不我怎么可能相信
That my God, oh my God how could you take her from me?
主 主啊 你怎么能把她从我身边带走
You give me hope and now you take it away
但我好不容易才找到你 你怎么能一走了之呢
You took my love and now you celebrate
你带走了我所有的爱啊 如今你究竟寻欢何处
When the morning comes, no I don't believe
太阳照常升起 不我又该怎么学着去相信
That my God, oh my God how could you take her from me?
主 主啊 你怎么能把她从我身边带走?
1.Above The Clouds Of Pompeii
4.When You Break
5.Bad Blood
6.The Love We Stole
7.Think Of England
10.Stubborn Beast