I cannot remember everything. 一切我都记不清了。
I must have been unconscious most of the time. 在大部分时候我一定丧失了意识。
I remember only the grandiose moment 我只记得那个庄严时刻,
when they all started to sing, as if prearranged, 他们像有预谋似的开始唱歌,
the old prayer they had neglected for so many years 唱那支被他们遗忘多年的
--the forgotten creed! 古老经文歌!
But I have no recollection how I got underground 但是我不记得我是怎样来到地下,
to live in the sewers of Warsaw for so long a time. 在华沙的下水道里住了这么长时间。
The day began as usual: 那天照常开始:
Reveille when it still was dark. 天还黑时就吹响了起床号。
"Get out!" “快出去!”
Whether you slept or whether worries kept you awake the whole night. 不管你睡着过还是愁得彻夜未眠。
You had been separated from your children, 你和孩子、
from your wife, from your parents. 妻子、父母离散了,
You don't know what happened to them... 不知道他们的下落,
How could you sleep? 你怎么睡得着呢?
The trumpets again 喇叭又吹响了
-- "Get out! The sergeant will be furious!" ──“快出去!要不然军士会大发雷霆!”
They came out; 他们出来了;
some very slowly, the old ones, the sick ones; 老人和病人动作非常慢;
some with nervous agility. 有的人神经兮兮的飞快。
They fear the sergeant. 他们害怕军士。
They hurry as much as they can. 他们尽可能地快。
In vain! 不行!
Much too much noise, much too much commotion! 太吵太吵了,太乱太乱了!
And not fast enough! 还不够快!
The Feldwebel shouts: 军士大叫:
(德语)"Achtung! Stillgestanden! Na wird's mal! “注意!安静!你们准备好了,
Oder soll ich mit dem Jewehrkolben nachhelfen? 还是要我的枪托给你们帮忙?
Na jut; wenn ihrs durchaus haben wollt!" 那样也好,看来你们真的要它!”
The sergeant and his subordinates hit everyone: 军士和他手下的士兵殴打每一个人:
young or old, strong or sick, quiet, guilty or innocent ... 老的,少的,沉默的,多嘴的,清白的,有罪的。
It was painful to hear them groaning and moaning. 我痛苦地听着他们哀号呻吟。
I heard it though I had been hit very hard, 我也挨了重重的殴打,
so hard that I could not help falling down. 打得太狠了,我倒在地上。
We all on the ground 我们还得再站起来,
who could not stand up were then beaten over the head... 不能站起来的就被揍脑袋。
I must have been unconscious. 我一定昏过去了。
The next thing I heard was a soldier saying: 我记得的下一件事是一个士兵说:
"They are all dead!" “他们都死了”,
Whereupon the sergeant ordered to do away with us. 于是军士命令干掉我们。
There I lay aside half conscious. 我半清醒地躺在一边,
It had become very still 周围变得寂静
--fear and pain. ──充满恐怖。
Then I heard the sergeant shouting: "Abzählen!(德语)" 然后我听见军士喊:“报数!”
They start slowly and irregularly: one, two, three, four... 开始他们还慢条斯理:一、二、三、四……
-- "Achtung!" The sergeant shouted again, “注意!”军士又喊,
(德语)"Rascher! Nochmals von vorn anfange! “快点!重来!
In einer Minute will ich wissen, 一分钟内我要知道
wieviele ich zur Gaskammer abliefere! Abzählen!" 要把多少人送去毒气室!报数!”
They began again, first slowly: 他们重来,起初很慢:
one, two, three, four, 一、二、三、四……
became faster and faster, 后来越来越快,
so fast that it finally sounded like a stampede of wild horses, 最后快得竟像野马奔跑,
and all of a sudden, in the middle of it, 突然,报数声停止,
they began singing the /Shema Yisroel/. 他们开始唱起《倾听吧,以色列人》。
Sh'ma Yisraeil, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad. 倾听吧,以色列人:上帝是我们的造物主,主是独一无二的。
V'ahavta eit Adonai Elohecha b'chawl l'vav'cha uv'chawl nafsh'cha, 你们要尽心、尽情、尽力
uv'chawl m'odecha. 爱主,爱你们的上帝。
V'hayu had'varim haeileh, 你们要把我今日授与你们的诫命,
asher anochi m'tsav'cha hayom, al l'vavecha. 牢记在心。
V'shinantam l'vanecha, v'dibarta bam b'shivt'cha b'veitecha, 要用这诫命教导你们的子孙;
uvlecht'cha vaderech, uv'shawchb'cha uvkumecha. 无论你们居家还是外出,
Ukshartam l'ot al yadecha, v'hayu l'totafot bein einecha. 无论你们睡下还是醒来,
Uchtavtam, al m'zuzot beitecha, uvisharecha. 都要时时念诵这诫命。