A boy gone astray, deceived by a god
Remembers the day, bereft of his blood
Much to your dismay now equal we meet
Self righteous repay, you kneel by my feet, I stand
By the sword in my hand
I will conquer the land
I will decimate and decapitate
Those who question the sword in my hand
I seek what you took, I promise you'll pay
By hook or by crook, a boy gone astray I stand
By the sword in my hand
I will conquer the land
I will decimate and decapitate
Those who question the sword, I stand
By the sword in my hand
I will conquer the land
I will decimate and decapitate
Those who question the sword in my hand
I hold the final truth of all eternity
Happens to include my own superiority
Mischief of the past has come to seal your destiny
Kneel before me now or I will have your head for heresy
1.Northern Gate
2.Hold the Heathen Hammer High
3.Turið Torkilsdóttir
4.By the Light of the Northern Star
5.Tróndur í Gøtu
6.Into the Storm
7.By the Sword in My Hand
9.Hear the Heathen Call