Song of Storms Acapella - Ocarina of Time

1.Saria's Song (Lost Woods) Acapella - Ocarina of Time
2.Street Fighter 2 - Guile's Theme
3.Shop Theme - Ocarina of Time Acapella
4.Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill Acapella
5.Gerudo Valley Acapella - Ocarina of Time
6.Castlevania - Bloody Tears Acapella
7.Battle Music Acapella - Final Fantasy 7
8.Deku Tree Acapella - Ocarina of Time
9.To Zanarkand Acapella - FFX
10.Overworld Acapella - Legend of Zelda
11.Zelda Wind Waker - Ocean Overworld Theme
12.Dire Dire Docks Acapella - Super Mario 64
13.Great Fairy Fountain Acapella- Zelda Ocarina of Time
14.Astral Observatory Acapella - Zelda Majora's Mask
15.Song of Healing Acapella - Majora's Mask
16.FFVIII Balamb Garden Acapella
17.Song of Storms Acapella - Ocarina of Time
18.Aerith's (Aeris) Theme Acapella - Final Fantasy 7
19.Stone Tower Temple Acapella - Majora's Mask
20.Zelda's Lullaby - Acapella
21.Ocarina of Time Intro Theme
22.JENOVA Acapella - FF7