1.Dedication to the Russian Land
2.3 Lyric Pieces:No. 1. Elegie in memoriam Sergey Rachmaninov
3.3 Lyric Pieces:No. 2. Reminiscence in memoriam Agustin Barrios
4.3 Lyric Pieces:No. 3. Mogiana in memoriam Heitor Villa-Lobos
5.L'olandese volante (Flying Dutchman)
6.Between Steep Banks:Between Steep Banks - improvisation
7.Ballata per Elena bellissima (Ballade for Beautiful Elena)
8.Swan Princess
9.Lipa vekovaia (The Old Lime Tree)
10.3 Forest Paintings:No. 2. Snowdrops
11.3 Forest Paintings:No. 1. The Old Oak
12.3 Forest Paintings:No. 3. Dance of the Forest Ghosts