The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:6. "Heissa ihr grauen Ochsen!"

1.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:1. Uvod
2.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:2. Gospodi pomiluji
3.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:3. Slava
4.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:4. Veruju
5.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:6. Agnece Bozij
6.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:7. Varhany solo
7.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:5. Svet
8.Glagolitic Mass JW 3/9:8. Intrada
9.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:1. "Traf eine junge Zigeunerin"
10.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:2. "Ist sie noch immer da"
11.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:4. "Zwitschern im Nest schon die Schwalben"
12.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:5. "Heut ist's schwer zu pflügen"
13.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:6. "Heissa ihr grauen Ochsen!"
14.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:7. "Wo ist das Pfl?cklein hin"
15.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:8. "Seht nicht ihr ?chselein"
16.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:9. "Sei willkommen Jan"
17.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:10. "Gott dort oben mag"
18.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:3. "Wie der Glühwürmchen Spiel"
19.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:11. "Vor der Heidin Wangen"
20.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:12. "Dunkler Erlenwald"
21.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:14. "Sonn' ist aufgegangen"
22.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:13. Piano Solo
23.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:15. "Meine grauen Ochsen"
24.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:17. "Flieh wenn das Schicksal ruft"
25.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:18. "Nichts mehr denk ich"
26.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:16. "Was hab' ich da getan?"
27.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:22. "Leb denn wohl Heimatland"
28.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:19. "Wie die Elster wegfliegt"
29.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:21. "Vater dam Tag' fluch ich"
30.The Diary Of One Who Disappeared JW 5/12:20. "Hab' ein Jüngferlein"