Globe Trotter In Budapest / Les Mouettes

1.Globe Trotter On Danube (Instrumental)
2.Globe Trotter In Argentina (Instrumental)
3.Somewhere At East (Instrumental)
4.Globe Trotter In Andalousia (Instrumental)
5.Globe Trotter In Chinatown
6.Globe Trotter In Budapest / Les Mouettes
7.Spopondrillioches (Instrumental)
8.Globe Trotter In Venice (Instrumental)
9.Nina Vela (Instrumental)
10.Au Delà Des Nuages (Instrumental)
11.Birds In The Kitchen (Instrumental)
12.Nathalie In Paradise - Bof "Les Enfants De La Pluie" (Version Instrumentale Du Thème De Beryl)
13.Pyramides (Instrumental)
14.Globe Trotter In Maroco (Instrumental)
15.Tango Tanguant (Instrumental)
16.Globe Trotter Takes The Train (Instrumental)
17.Coucouland (Instrumental)
19.Globe Trotter In India (Instrumental)
20.Globe Trotter In China (Instrumental)
21.Globe Trotter Takes The Plane (Instrumental)
22.Globe Trotter In Irland (Instrumental)
23.Globe Trotter In Texas (Instrumental)
24.Globe Trotter Is Drunk!
25.Globe Trotter In Brazil (Instrumental)
26.Globe Trotter Has The Blues (Instrumental)
27.Globe Trotter In Russia (Instrumental)