Jet trails in the sky
Leave one word behind
A hand bangs into sand a name
And we all understand
Everybody's Lost
But they're pretending they're not
Oh, Lost
Jet trails in the sky
Leave one thought behind
A hand bangs into sand a name
And we all understand
Everybody's Lost
But they're pretending they're not
Oh, Lost
So if I see you
And I tell you
How I've watched you
I'm just Lost
So if I see you
And I tell you
I've watched you
Don't make fun of me later
Cause I'm just Lost
If I see you
And I tell you
How I've watched you
Don't make fun of me later
Cause I'm just Lost
If I see you
And I tell you
How I've watched you
Don't make fun of me later
Cause I'm just Lost
Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost
1.Alma Matters
2.This Is Not Your Country
4.Sorrow Will Come In The End
5.Wide To Receive
7.Trouble Loves Me
8.Now I Am A Was