This old Mexican cowboy at the bar looked a hundred years old
He had a million-dollar smile and his weathered brown skin shimmered like California gold
挂着千金不换的笑容 古铜色皮肤闪的就像镀了加尼福利亚的黄金
He said "I'm a little short on cash but I'm long on life
For a shot of tequila I'll give you some dang good advice"
来一杯上好的龙舌兰 就给你一些过来人的点子
He said don't leave your beer in the hot Texas Sun
Don't argue with a woman while she's holding a gun
Never cheat when it comes to love or dominoes
永远别去偷吃 尤其是要么碰上真爱要么将有报应的时候
Vaya con dios said the old vaquero
还有 愿上帝保佑你
Well my heart sank the more he drank, the more he poured out his misery
故事越多 酒渐变少 我却越陷越深
How he lost her after 47 years and his tears started flowing like the Rio Grande
47年转瞬即逝 他又如何失去了爱人 说着说着泪眼磅礴
He started speaking in Spanish then he kissed his rosary
喃喃着西班牙语 慢慢低头吻了手上的珠子
Said "Por siempre mi amor here's one more to her memory"
说着;我的爱还在 这里还有她的回忆
He said don't live your life like a sad country song
A fool on a stool still a fool right or wrong
站的高的傻瓜仍然是傻的 不管是非对错
Pride is a bandito breaking hearts as he goes
自负 这种东西 就像土匪一样 到哪都剥的你心碎
Vaya con dios said the old vaquero
I walked over to the corner, turned the old jukebox on
我起身走到酒吧另一头 扭响了陈旧的点唱机
And when I turned back around like a ghost he was gone
但当我失了魂一样回到吧台 他却已经离去
So I paid his tab called a cab and called it a night and came straight home to you
付了他的酒钱 叫了辆出租 夜里回到家见你
As we laid there in bed I told you all the things he said we laughed we cried and I held you the whole night through
我们躺在床上 讲故事一样给你说了他前半生的一切 笑着哭着抱着你过了整夜
You know I think of him often out there all alone
我想着他 可能孤身一人 潦倒街头
Maybe he was an angel or just and old man from San Antone
可能是天使 亦或只是一个来自San Antone的老头子罢了
He said don't leave your beer in the hot Texas Sun
Don't argue with a woman while she's holding a gun
Never cheat when it comes to love or dominoes
永远 永远别偷吃 尤其是要么碰上真爱要么将有报应的时候
Vaya con dios
He said don't live your life like a sad country song
A fool on a stool still a fool right or wrong
站在高处的傻瓜仍然是傻的 不管是对非对错
Pride is a bandito breaking hearts as he goes
自负 就像土匪一样 到哪都能把你剥的心碎无比
Vaya con dios he said vaya con dios
愿上帝保佑 愿上帝保佑
This old Mexican cowboy at the bar looked a hundred years old
这个坐在酒吧一角的墨西哥牛仔 苍老的像活了百岁
He had a million-dollar smile and his weathered brown skin shimmered like California gold
但仍然挂着千金不换的笑容 古铜色皮肤闪的就像加尼福利亚的黄金依旧
1.Outta Style
2.These Old Boots Have Roots
3.Texas Lullaby
4.Rolling Stone
5.Diamonds & Daughters
7.The Arrow
8.Take You Home Tonight
9.One Two Step At A Time
10.Run Wild Horses