How Could I Not?

I don't know how your brain works so well and if I did I might explode
我不知道你为何如此聪慧 让我自愧不如
Even if could,I don't think that I would,want to decipher your series of codes
就算我可以 我想我也不会破译你的密码
A lifetime of trouble but how could I not love you
虽然是一生的烦恼 但我怎能不爱你
我们都是凡夫俗子 都确定内心的渴望 那并不神秘
Yeah we humans we crave a certain certainly but not mystery
Ever got old
虽会烦恼一生 但我怎能不爱你
A lifetime of trouble but how could I not love you
虽会烦恼一生 但我怎能不爱你
A lifetime of trouble but how could I not love you
2.All of Them Dreams
3.Run for Those Hills, Babe
4.Non-Verbal Communication
5.To You Alone
6.I Got Myself a Finish
7.Don't Wait
8.The Meaninglessness of Numbers
9.Just As
10.Big on Questions
11.Don't You Know How Busy and Important I Am?
13.How Could I Not?
14.Forests on the Way There
15.Panda in the Chandelier
16.Everyone Is Everyone Else