Sweet Nightingale

My sweetheart, come along, don't you hear the fond song
The sweet notes of the nightingale flow?
You shall hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below
As she sings in the valley below
Pretty Betty, don't fail, for I'll carry your pail
Safe home to your cot as we go
You shall hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below
As she sings in the valley below
Pray let me alone, I have hands of my own;
And along with you, sir, I'll not go
For to hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below
As she sings in the valley below
Pray sit yourself down with me on the ground
On the banks where the primroses grow
You shall hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below
As she sings in the valley below
So she sat herself down with him on the ground
On the banks where the primroses grow
And she heard the fond tale of the sweet nightingale
As she sung in the valley below
As she sung in the valley below
Now the couple agreed to be married with speed
And along to the church they did go
Never more she's afraid for to walk in the shade
Or to lie in the valleys below
Or to lie in the valleys below
1.Porthlystry / Off She Goes / An Culyek Hos
2.Sweet Nightingale
3.The Lark in the Morning / Mind the Nettles
4.Anthony Payne
5.Estren / Belong to Be
6.Rise and Shine / Gorthrothy
7.Granite Is the Hardest Stone
8.Mos Meas / Breakfast At Bryony's
9.An Vorvoran a Senor / The Mermaid of Zennor
10.The Old Town Inn / The Fall of Lyonesse / Lyonesse Dance
11.Rowing Out