Schlichte Weisen, Op.76:52. Mariä Wiegenlied

1.Auf Flügeln des Gesanges, Op.34, No.2
2.Amarilli, mia bella
3.Se l'aura spira
4.The Second Book of Songes:3. Sorrow, Stay
5.First Booke of Songes:5. Can She Excuse My Wrongs
6.3 Songs, Op.3:2. Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal
7.Six Songs, Op.25:5. Music, When Soft Voices Die
8.Barbara Allen
9.Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
10.Schlichte Weisen, Op.76:52. Mariä Wiegenlied
11.3 Gesänge Op.83:3. Mit einem gemalten Band
12.Five Elizabethan Songs (The Elizas):4. Sleep
13.The Sky Above The Roof
14.Come, Sleep (Arr. For Harp)
15.Three Songs, Op. 2:1.The Daisies (Allegretto con grazie)
16.As I Walked Forth
17.Full Fathom Five
18.Where The Bee Sucks
19.Second Booke of Songes, 1600:17. A shepherd in a shade
21.Love Me Sweet (Arr. For Harp)
22.A Chloris