Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 7, Galamb Borong

1.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Presto
2.Études, Book 2:No. 9, Vertige
3.Études, Book 1:No. 1, Désordre
4.Études, Book 1:No. 2, Cordes à vide
5.Études, Book 1:No. 3, Touches bloquées
6.Études, Book 1:No. 4, Fanfares
7.Études, Book 1:No. 6, Automne à Varsovie
8.Études, Book 1:No. 5, Arc-en-ciel
9.Études, Book 2:No. 7, Galamb Borong
10.Études, Book 2:No. 8, Fém
11.Études, Book 2:No. 10, Der Zauberlehrling
12.Études, Book 2:No. 12, Entrelacs
13.Études, Book 2:No. 11, En suspens
14.Études, Book 2:No. 13, L'escalier du diable
15.Études, Book 2:No. 14, Coloana infinit?
16.Idegen földön:III. Vissza ne nézz
17.Idegen földön:IV. Fujdogál a nyári szél
19.Zwei Kanons:I. Ha folyóvíz volnék
20.Zwei Kanons:II. Pletykázó asszonyok
21.Betlehemi királyok
23.Lux Aeterna
24.Inaktelki nóták:I. Moderato
25.Inaktelki nóták:II. Allegro
26.Inaktelki nóták:III. Parlando
27.Inaktelki nóták:IV. Allegro
29.Mátraszentimrei Dalok:I. Három hordó
30.Mátraszentimrei Dalok:II. Igaz szerelem
31.Drei Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin:III. Abenphantasie
32.Haj, ifjúság:1. Azt hallottam rózsám. Parlando
33.Mátraszentimrei Dalok:III. Gomb, gomb
34.Drei Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin:I. Hälfte des Lebens
35.Drei Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin:II. Wenn aus der Ferne
36.Hortobágy:2. Még azt mondják. Allegro, giusto. Unun poco pesante
38.Mátraszentimrei Dalok:IV. Erdöbe, erdöbe
39.Magyar Etüdök:III. Vásár (Nr. 90)
40.Magos kösziklának
41.Études, Book 3: No. 15, White on White
42.Magyar Etüdök:I. Spiegelkanon (Nr. 9)
43.Musica ricercata:No. 5, Rubato. Lamentoso
45.Hortobágy:1. Kiszáradt a tóbul mind a sár. Parlando, Rubato
46.Hortobágy:3. És az eso fú a szél. Più mosso (vivace leggiero)
47.Magyar Etüdök:II. (Nr. 49 + 40)
48.Kállai kettös:II. Eb fél, kutya fél. Allegro molto
49.Musica ricercata:No. 2, Mesto, rigido e cerimoniale
50.Kállai kettös:I. Fellülröl fúj az öszi szél. Andante
51.Haj, ifjúság:2. Nem láttam én télbe fecskét. Allegro
52.Musica ricercata:No. 9, Adagio - Mesto
53.Musica ricercata:No. 3, Allegro con spirito
54.Musica ricercata:No. 6, Allegro molto capriccioso
55.Musica ricercata:No. 10, Vivace - Capriccioso
56.Nonsense Madrigals:3. The Alphabet
57.Nonsense Madrigals:2. Cuckoo in the Pear-Tree
58.Musica ricercata:No. 7, Cantabile, molto legato
59.Musica ricercata:No. 4, Tempo di Valse
60.Musica ricercata:No. 1, Sostenuto
61.Musica ricercata:No. 11, Andante misurato e tranquillo
62.Nonsense Madrigals:4. Flying Robert
63.Musica ricercata:No. 8, Vivace - Energico
64.Nonsense Madrigals:1. Two Dreams and Little Bat
65.Musica ricercata: No. 11, Omaggio a Girolamo Frescobaldi. Andante misurato e tranquillo
66.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Tempo di valse - Moderato - Con eleganza - Un poco capriccioso
67.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Allegro grazioso
68.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Adagio mesto
69.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Vivace capriccioso
70.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Andante tranquillo
71.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Allegretto, un poco giovale
72.String Quartet No.1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes":Prestissimo
73.String Quartet No. 2 (1968):I. Allegro nervoso
74.String Quartet No. 2 (1968):IV. Presto furioso - Brutale - Tumultoso
75.String Quartet No. 2 (1968):V. Allegro con delicatezza
76.Hommage à Hilding Rosenberg (1982)
77.Ballad and Dance for 2 Violins:Ballade. Andante
78.String Quartet No. 2 (1968):II. Sostenuto, molto calmo
79.String Quartet No. 2 (1968):III. Come un meccanismo di precisione
80.Idegen földön:I. Siralmas nékem (Lament)
82.Idegen földön:II. Egy fekete holló
83.Ballad and Dance for 2 Violins:Dance. Allegro vivace
84.Andante and Allegretto for String Quartet:I. Andante cantabile
86.Andante and Allegretto for String Quartet:II. Allegretto poco capriccioso
87.Der Sommer
88.Nonsense Madrigals:5. The Lobster Quadrille
89.Sonatina for Piano 4 Hands:III. Vivace
90.Allegro for Piano 4 Hands
92.Nouvelles Aventures:Part I - Sostenuto
93.Nouvelles Aventures:Part II - Agitato molto
94.Három Weöres dal:I. Táncol a Hold fehér ingben. Vivace
95.Három Weöres dal:II. Gyümölcs-fürt. Rubato
96.Nonsense Madrigals:6. A Long, Sad Tale
97.Mysteries of the Macabre (For Coloratura and Ensemble)
98.2 Capricci: No. 2, Allegro robusto
99.2 Capricci: No. 1, Allegretto capriccioso
102.Hungarian Rock (Chaconne)
103.3 Pieces for 2 Pianos:I. Monument
104.2 Studies for Organ:II. Coulée
105.2 Studies for Organ:I. Harmonies
106.Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano "Hommage à Brahms":I. Andantino con tenerezza
107.3 Pieces for 2 Pianos:II. Selbstportrait mit Reich und Riley
108.Három Weöres dal:III. Kalmár jött nagy madarakkal. Lento
109.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 3, Lento
110.Öt Arany dal:I. Csalfa sugár
112.3 Pieces for 2 Pianos:III. In zart fließender Bewegung
113.Passacaglia ungherese
114.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 1, Molto sostenuto e calmo
115.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 2, Prestissimo minaccioso e burlesco
116.Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano "Hommage à Brahms":III. Alla marcia - Più mosso tempo primo
117.Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano "Hommage à Brahms":IV. Lamento. Adagio
118.Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano "Hommage à Brahms":II. Vivacissimo molto ritmico
119.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 4, Prestissimo leggiero e virtuoso
120.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 5, Prestissimo staccatissimo e leggiero
121.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 6, Prestissimo staccatissimo e leggiero
122.Öt Arany dal:II. A legszebb virág
123.Öt Arany dal:III. A csendes dalokból
124.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 7, Vivo, energico
125.Öt Arany dal:V. Az ördög elvitte a fináncot
126.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 8, Allegro con delicatezza
127.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 9, Sostenuto, stridente
128.Öt Arany dal:IV. A bujdosó
129.10 Pieces for Wind Quintet:No. 10, Presto bizzarro e rubato
130.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:I. Allegro con spirito
131.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:II. Rubato - Lamentoso
132.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:V. Adagio.Mesto
133.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:VI. Molto vivace. Capriccioso
134.Sonata for Solo Viola:I. Hora lunga
135.Sonata for Solo Viola:II. Loop
136.Sonata for Solo Viola:III. Facsar
137.Sonata for Solo Viola:IV. Prestissimo con sordino
138.Sonata for Solo Viola:V. Lamento
139.Sonata for Solo Viola:VI. Chaconne chromatique
140.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Car Horn Prelude
141.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1: "Away, you swag-pot!"
142.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1:"Shut up!"
143.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1: "Oh...! Amanda! Can do no more!"
144.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:IV. Presto ruvido
145.6 Bagatelles for Wind Quintet:III. Allegro grazioso
146.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1: "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Hey! Give me my requisites"
147.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1: "Melting snow is thy breast"
148.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Second Car Horn Prelude
149.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: "One! Two! Three! Five!"
150.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: "Shapely and attractive figure"
151.Adaptations for Barrel Organ: Continuum
152.Adaptations for Barrel Organ: Capriccio No. 1
153.Adaptations for Barrel Organ: Hungarian Rock (Chaconne)
154.Adaptations for Barrel Organ: Invention
155.Adaptations for Barrel Organ: Capriccio No. 2
156.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 1, Sostenuto
157.Poème Symphonique for 100 Metronomes
158.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 2, Mesto, rigido e cerimoniale
159.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 4, Tempo di valse
160.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 6, Allegro molto capriccioso
161.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 8, Vivace - Energico
162.Négy lakodalmi tánc:2. A kapuban a szekér
163.Négy lakodalmi tánc:1. A menyasszony szép virág
164.Négy lakodalmi tánc:4. Mikor kedves Laci bátyám
165.Négy lakodalmi tánc:3. Hopp ide tisztán
166.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 1: "Dies Irae"
167.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 7, Cantabile, molto legato
168.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 9, Adagio
169.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 10, Der Zauberlehrling
170.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 3, Allegro con spirito
171.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 11, Andante misurato e tranquillo
172.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 10, Vivace
173.Adaptation for Barrel Organ - Musica ricercata:No. 5, Rubato. Lamentoso
174.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 9, Vertige
175.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 11, En suspens
176.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 14, Coloana infinit?
177.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 13, L'escalier du diable
178.Adaptions for Player Piano:No. 7, Galamb Borong
181.Polifón etüd
182.3 Lakodalmi tánc:No. 1, A kapuban a szekér
183.Sonatina for Piano 4 Hands:I. Allegro
184.3 Lakodalmi tánc:No. 3, Csángó forgós
185.3 Lakodalmi tánc:No. 2, Hopp ide tisztán
186.Sonatina for Piano 4 Hands:II. Andante
187.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: "Venus! Venus!"
188.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: "Stop! - Sh!... Quiet, for heaven's sake!"
189.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: "Who's there? A Man? - A Man!"
190.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 2: Finale "Fire and death I bring"
191.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: Doorbell Prelude
192.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Arse licker, arse-kisser!"
193.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Posture exercises!"
194.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Tsk... - Pssst! Ha! Head of my Secret Service"
195.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Ahh! ...Secret cypher!"
196.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Hurray, hurray! My wife is dead, hurray!"
197.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: Nekrotzars Entrance
198.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Woe! Ooh! For the day of wrath"
199.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "There's no need to fear"
200.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Where am I? What time is it?"
201.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: Galimatias: "Hmm! It's delicious"
202.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 3: "Up! - Drink! - Up!"
203.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Interlude
204.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 4: Mirror Canon
205.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 4: Finale. Passacaglia: "Ah, it was good"
206.Le Grand Macabre (1997 Version):Scene 4: "Ghost Astradamors, are you dead?"