There Is Dancing in the Streets of Ribe

1.Tá Eg Verði Stórur (When I Grow Up)
3.Glike Mou Esi Den Hathikes (My Sweet You Are Not Lost)
4.The Wedding of King Hans
5.Lady Ingeborg Had Three Brothers
6.Praise and Thanks and Everlasting Glory
7.Stellt's Meine Ross In' Stall
8.Finnur Bin Fríði (Finnur the Handsome)
9.Kjartan Ólavsson
10.There Is Dancing in the Streets of Ribe
11.Sin Makes Man Blind and Lame
12.Nna Hamu
13.The Fish Takes It's Food in Water
14.Triantafilo Sto Stithos (a Rose On the Chest)
15.Mær Gav Sankta Mortan (Saint Martin Gave Me)
16.I Advise You All
17.Ragnar Lykkja (Ragnar Loop / Skjaldur. Rhymes for Children)
18.Erini (Irene)
19.De' El-Azul, Pt. 3
20.Leivs Kvæði
21.The Death of Queen Dagmar
22.Now I Flee to Thy Mercy
23.Runsivals Striðið (The Battle of Roncevalles)
25.Rura, Rura Barnið (Lull, Lull, The Baby)
26.I See so Many Man-of-Wars
27.Harpu Ríma (Harp Ballad)
28.The Queen of Bohemia
29.Regin Smiður (Rgin the Smith)
30.Jákup Á Møn
31.Secht's Leutl'n So War's Anno Dreissig
32.God, Holy Ghost in Faith Us Teach
33.Three Jolly Rogues (Live)
34.Kanela-Kaneloriza (On the Waterfront)