6 American Painters: No. 6. Diebenkorn

1.North and South: Book I: No. 1. Ballad for Billie (I)
2.North and South: Book I: No. 2. Late Air
3.North and South: Book I: No. 3. Breakfast Song
4.North and South: Book II: No. 1. Ballad for Billie (II)
5.North and South: Book II: No. 2. Song
6.North and South: Book II: No. 3. Dear, my compass
7.6 American Painters: No. 1. Bingham
8.6 American Painters: No. 2. Eakins
9.6 American Painters: No. 3. Heade
10.6 American Painters: No. 4. Homer
11.6 American Painters: No. 5. Hoffman
12.6 American Painters: No. 6. Diebenkorn
13.Christmas Vespers: I. Prelude
14.Christmas Vespers: II.
15.Christmas Vespers: III.
16.Christmas Vespers: IV.
17.Christmas Vespers: V.
18.Christmas Vespers: VI.
19.Christmas Vespers: VII.
20.Christmas Vespers: VIII. Postlude
21.Book of Hours and Seasons: No. 1. Dem aufgehenden Vollmond (To the Rising Full Moon)
22.Book of Hours and Seasons: No. 2. Immer und uberall (Always and Everywhere)
23.Book of Hours and Seasons: No. 3. Interlude: Jahreszeiten kommen wieder (Interlude: The Seasons Come Again)
24.Book of Hours and Seasons: No. 4. Mich angstigt das Verfangliche (The Artful makes me anxious)
25.Book of Hours and Seasons: No. 5. Um Mitternacht (At midnight)